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Saturday, September 3, 2011
Some webmasters prefer to have a pure Flash website because they can look very impressive. Although Google can index Flash content to some extend, it is very unlikely that a Flash page will get high rankings on Google.
What's the problem with Flash pages?
Flash content cannot be indexed by search engines. If your website is a pure Flash site, then you can be sure that search engines won't be able to see 95% of your website content.
Google has several official statements regarding Flash content:
"Search engines are text based. This means that in order to be crawled and indexed, your content needs to be in text format. [...] Any content you embed in these files should also be available in text format or it won't be accessible to search engines. [...]
We recommend that you use rich-media technologies like Flash primarily for decorative purposes, and instead use HTML for content and navigation."
"Make sure that your site has a reasonable, seamless experience for visitors without Flash.
This may involve creating HTML-only equivalents for your Flash-based content that will automatically be shown to visitors who can't view Flash."
Adding your content in the noscript tag won't help
Theoretically, adding your web page content in the noscript tag on your web pages should make sure that search engines get the right content. Unfortunately, Google's John Mueller indicates that this doesn't work anymore:
"One of the problems with noscript is - as others have mentioned - that it's been abused quite a bit by spammers, so search engines might treat it with some suspicion.
So if this is really important content, then I wouldn't rely on all search engines treating your noscript elements in the same way as normal, visible, static content on your pages. If this is 'just' for comments, then that might be worth considering."
What does this mean to your website
If you want to get a reasonable amount of visitors through search engines, don't use Flash and other multimedia elements for the main contents of your web pages:
Only use Flash for decorative purposes.
The navigation of your website should use regular HTML a href links. Do not use fancy JavaScript or Flash navigation menus. Most search engines cannot parse them.
The main content of your web pages should be available as simple text.
Use the free search engine spider simulator in IBP to find out how search engines see your website. If the spider simulator does not show the content of your web pages, it might be time to redesign your website.
Use the Top 10 Optimizer in IBP to make sure that Google finds your website relevant to the right keywords. IBP is a popular SEO software tool that helps you to get first page rankings on Google and other search engines for your keywords.
Other helpful sites you might find interesting below
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Monday, June 6, 2011
Has Your Website Been Hacked?
Spammers have found a new way to get high rankings on Google. The new trick involves hacked websites and the canonical tag. Is your website at risk? What can you do to avoid this?
What exactly has happened?
In an online forum, webmasters reported a new spam method. Hackers inserted the canonical tag on websites of other people:
"I came across a website with canonical tags setup on all of their pages and they were pointing to a spam site. I suspect someone hacked in and changed the canonical tags to siphon link juice.
Now that cross cross-domain canonical tags are supported I would not be surprised if this becomes more common. The canonical tag is a small line of code that is easy to overlook despite its large implications."
Google's Matt Cutts confirmed this in a Twitter tweet: "A recent spam trend is hacking websites to insert rel=canonical pointing to hacker's site. If U suspect hacking, check 4 it."
Why is this a problem?
The original purpose of the rel=canonical tag is to help website owners eliminate self-created duplicate content. The canonical tag tells search engine spiders the original source of a file.
For example, a search engine robot might visit the web page "". If that page contains the tag href="" rel="canonical" then search engines will show in the search results instead of
If hackers add the canonical tag to your web pages and point it to another website then your website content will help another website to get high rankings while your own website will lose all of its rankings.
How to check if your website is exploited
Open a page of your website in your browser and select "View HTML source" in your browser. If you can see a rel=canonical tag that points to an unknown domain in the head section of your page then your website has been hacked.
Unfortunately, hackers might have changed your web server so that it only shows the canonical tag to Google's indexing robot. In that case, you have to check how Google sees your web pages:
1. Download and install iBusinessPromoter (IBP).
2. Select "Tools > Search engine spider simulator"
3. Select Google's spider.
4. Check the HTML source in the spider simulator report for the canonical tag.
This works with the free demo version of iBusinessPromoter. You do not have to buy IBP to check your web pages with the spider simulator.
Google is aware of the problem. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find out if a webmaster intentionally inserted a canonical tag to a website or if the tag was inserted by a hacker.
Other helpful sites you might find interesting below
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What exactly has happened?
In an online forum, webmasters reported a new spam method. Hackers inserted the canonical tag on websites of other people:
"I came across a website with canonical tags setup on all of their pages and they were pointing to a spam site. I suspect someone hacked in and changed the canonical tags to siphon link juice.
Now that cross cross-domain canonical tags are supported I would not be surprised if this becomes more common. The canonical tag is a small line of code that is easy to overlook despite its large implications."
Google's Matt Cutts confirmed this in a Twitter tweet: "A recent spam trend is hacking websites to insert rel=canonical pointing to hacker's site. If U suspect hacking, check 4 it."
Why is this a problem?
The original purpose of the rel=canonical tag is to help website owners eliminate self-created duplicate content. The canonical tag tells search engine spiders the original source of a file.
For example, a search engine robot might visit the web page "". If that page contains the tag href="" rel="canonical" then search engines will show in the search results instead of
If hackers add the canonical tag to your web pages and point it to another website then your website content will help another website to get high rankings while your own website will lose all of its rankings.
How to check if your website is exploited
Open a page of your website in your browser and select "View HTML source" in your browser. If you can see a rel=canonical tag that points to an unknown domain in the head section of your page then your website has been hacked.
Unfortunately, hackers might have changed your web server so that it only shows the canonical tag to Google's indexing robot. In that case, you have to check how Google sees your web pages:
1. Download and install iBusinessPromoter (IBP).
2. Select "Tools > Search engine spider simulator"
3. Select Google's spider.
4. Check the HTML source in the spider simulator report for the canonical tag.
This works with the free demo version of iBusinessPromoter. You do not have to buy IBP to check your web pages with the spider simulator.
Google is aware of the problem. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find out if a webmaster intentionally inserted a canonical tag to a website or if the tag was inserted by a hacker.
Other helpful sites you might find interesting below
Affordable SEO
Search Engine Placement
PPC Management
Precast Concrete Wall
Fresno Travel Agent
Fresno Delivery Service
Sunday, May 15, 2011
How to check if your contents pass Google’s new quality requirements
Can your web page content be trusted?
Would you trust the information presented in your article?
Is the article written by an expert or enthusiast who knows the topic well, or is it more shallow in nature?
Would you be comfortable giving your credit card information to the site?
Is the site a recognized authority on its topic?
For a health related query, would you trust information from the site?
Would you recognize the site as an authoritative source when mentioned by name?
Is the website the sort of page you’d want to bookmark, share with a friend, or recommend?
Would users complain when they see pages from the site?
Is the content of your web pages unique?
Does the site have duplicate, overlapping, or redundant articles on the same or similar topics with slightly different keyword variations?
Does the article provide original content or information, original reporting, original research, or original analysis?
Does the page provide substantial value when compared to other pages in search results?
Do you check the quality of your web pages?
Does the article have spelling, stylistic, or factual errors?
How much quality control is done on content?
Is the content mass-produced by or outsourced to a large number of creators, or spread across a large network of sites, so that individual pages or sites don’t get as much attention or care?
Was the article edited well, or does it appear sloppy or hastily produced?
Does the article contain insightful analysis or interesting information that is beyond obvious?
Would you expect to see the article in a printed magazine, encyclopedia or book?
Are the pages produced with great care and attention to detail vs. less attention to detail?
Do you create web pages for your visitors or for search engines?
Are the topics driven by genuine interests of readers of the site, or does the site generate content by attempting to guess what might rank well in search engines?
Do your web pages contain enough real content?
Does the article have an excessive amount of ads that distract from or interfere with the main content?
Are the articles short, unsubstantial, or otherwise lacking in helpful specifics?
Does the article describe both sides of a story?
Does the article provide a complete or comprehensive description of the topic?
If you want to get high rankings on Google, you must make sure that your web pages contain the right keywords in the right elements of your web pages. IBP’s Top 10 Optimizer analyzes all elements of your web page and it will tell you how you have to change them so that your website gets top 10 rankings for your keywords.
Affordable SEO Search Engine Placement PPC Management Precast Concrete Wall Fresno Travel Agent Fresno Delivery Service
Would you trust the information presented in your article?
Is the article written by an expert or enthusiast who knows the topic well, or is it more shallow in nature?
Would you be comfortable giving your credit card information to the site?
Is the site a recognized authority on its topic?
For a health related query, would you trust information from the site?
Would you recognize the site as an authoritative source when mentioned by name?
Is the website the sort of page you’d want to bookmark, share with a friend, or recommend?
Would users complain when they see pages from the site?
Is the content of your web pages unique?
Does the site have duplicate, overlapping, or redundant articles on the same or similar topics with slightly different keyword variations?
Does the article provide original content or information, original reporting, original research, or original analysis?
Does the page provide substantial value when compared to other pages in search results?
Do you check the quality of your web pages?
Does the article have spelling, stylistic, or factual errors?
How much quality control is done on content?
Is the content mass-produced by or outsourced to a large number of creators, or spread across a large network of sites, so that individual pages or sites don’t get as much attention or care?
Was the article edited well, or does it appear sloppy or hastily produced?
Does the article contain insightful analysis or interesting information that is beyond obvious?
Would you expect to see the article in a printed magazine, encyclopedia or book?
Are the pages produced with great care and attention to detail vs. less attention to detail?
Do you create web pages for your visitors or for search engines?
Are the topics driven by genuine interests of readers of the site, or does the site generate content by attempting to guess what might rank well in search engines?
Do your web pages contain enough real content?
Does the article have an excessive amount of ads that distract from or interfere with the main content?
Are the articles short, unsubstantial, or otherwise lacking in helpful specifics?
Does the article describe both sides of a story?
Does the article provide a complete or comprehensive description of the topic?
If you want to get high rankings on Google, you must make sure that your web pages contain the right keywords in the right elements of your web pages. IBP’s Top 10 Optimizer analyzes all elements of your web page and it will tell you how you have to change them so that your website gets top 10 rankings for your keywords.
Affordable SEO Search Engine Placement PPC Management Precast Concrete Wall Fresno Travel Agent Fresno Delivery Service
Saturday, April 2, 2011
1. How Google segments the contents of a web page |
Last week, Google was granted a patent that describes how Google might segment the content of a web page. Depending on the location of the content, a web page will get higher or lower rankings. Why is it important to segment a web page into different parts? The average web page consists of several parts: a header, a footer, the website navigation, the main content, ads, etc. ![]() According to the patent text, Google looks at the HTML of the page. Google also tries to simulate the display of a web page in a web browser to understand the location and the purpose of different parts of the page.What exactly does Google analyze in the different parts of a web page? The patent lists several "modules" that are used to analyze a web page:If you want to get high rankings on Google, you must make sure that your web pages contain the right keywords in the right elements of your web pages. IBP's Top 10 Optimizer analyzes all elements of your web page and it will tell you how you have to change them so that your website gets top 10 rankings for your keywords. |
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Friday, February 18, 2011
Do Paid Links Hurt Your Website SEO?
Paid links are again being look at regarding search engine optimization for your website. Until recently J. C. Penney had a number 1 ranking for numerous competitive keywords. How did they get that accomplished? Come to find out that their website received these rankings by way of purchasing links on over 2000 pages.
Google discovered those paid links and many of J. C. Penney's rankings fell from number 1 to number 70 and below.
What is the definition of a paid link?
Plain and simple- if you pay the webmaster of some other site to link to your particular website, then the backlink you received from them is a paid link. Paid links are allowed by Google to advertise your website as long as the paid links make use of the rel=nofollow attribute.
Where you get into trouble is when paid links are employed to get higher rankings in the organic search results on search engines such as Google.
Google is not misunderstood when it comes to using paid links to manipulate search engine results.
Google does not like paid links. Their official statement is avoid paid links at all cost!
[Some] webmasters employ the tactic of buying and selling links that pass PageRank, regardless the quality of the links, the origins, and the long-run affect it will have on their sites. Purchasing or selling links that pass PageRank is an infringement Google's Webmaster Guidelines and can negatively affect a site's ranking in search results.
Should you use paid links to advance your website?
The problem with paid links is that they do actually work. As long as no one notices that you're purchasing links, paid links can have a positive effect on the search engine rankings of your website. However, once Google discovers the paid links your website can get in major trouble.
There are numerous problems with paid links:
* Your competition could report your paid links to Google and your website will be penalized.
* Your competition might actually buy links that point to your website; report the paid link to Google and then you will be penalized.
* A competitor buys links to a throw away domain, determines where they appear, drops the links and waits for you to buy them. Then the competitor reports you to Google for purchasing paid links.
While paid links can indeed improve your page rank with Google, they are also exceedingly risky. If you plan to establish a successful business, you should totally avoid paid links. The potential harm to your website exceeds the benefits by far.
Your website must have backlinks to produce high rankings on Google
Backlinks are very important to produce high rankings on Google. That's why Google works so hard on filtering the wrong kind of links.
The links that point to your website should be from related websites and they should contain the keywords for which you want to get high rankings. Do not manipulate the links to your website by buying links and do not join automated link systems to increase the number of links to your website.
If you want lasting results, concentrate on ethical search engine optimization techniques. There are several methods to get good links (related websites, blogs, social bookmark sites, directories, etc.). My Site Launcher can help with all of them.
Other Great Websites
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Search Engine Placement-SEO
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Friday, February 4, 2011
Optimizing Website Images for Image Search Results in Google
When and why does Google decide to merge the image results into the "comprehensive search" results? How do we optimize images so that they come out in the "worldwide" SERPs?
Now here might be the most significant question. How to optimize images to appear in the worldwide search results? The images that are blended into the worldwide search results are the same images that appear at uppermost positions when you search for the same keyword in Google Images. The order of images may differ but they are usually the same.
This means that we optimize images for worldwide search results in the identical way as we do for Google image search. If the keyword has adequate search impressions for images then your optimised image will automatically turn up in the worldwide search results, if it shows up at the highest in Google's image results.
Search bots are not people; they can't differentiate between the image of a gorilla and that of an anteater. Rather, search engines rely entirely on the webmasters to demonstrate to them what the image is about. If we can specify images on our website distinctly and draw in some superior links to it then it is a great deal likely that your image will reach higher in the Google rankings.
How should you optimize your website images for Google search results? Here are 6 tips that should help:
1. Use a unique, appealing image which can pull in natural links from other websites. Copying an image from another website and optimizing it isn't a good idea especially if you didn't get permission to use the image.
2. When naming your images, put relevant keywords in the file name.
3. Use ALT tags with relevant keywords. It's usually good to describe the image with some text around the keyword.
4. Surround the image with keywords relevant to the image.
5. Always optimize the page containing the image. Also make sure that the targeted keyword appears in the page title tag.
6. Try to develop quality back-links, with keyword anchor text, both to the image and to the page itself.
We encourage you to try these SEO hints, we are certain they will help!
Now here might be the most significant question. How to optimize images to appear in the worldwide search results? The images that are blended into the worldwide search results are the same images that appear at uppermost positions when you search for the same keyword in Google Images. The order of images may differ but they are usually the same.
This means that we optimize images for worldwide search results in the identical way as we do for Google image search. If the keyword has adequate search impressions for images then your optimised image will automatically turn up in the worldwide search results, if it shows up at the highest in Google's image results.
Search bots are not people; they can't differentiate between the image of a gorilla and that of an anteater. Rather, search engines rely entirely on the webmasters to demonstrate to them what the image is about. If we can specify images on our website distinctly and draw in some superior links to it then it is a great deal likely that your image will reach higher in the Google rankings.
How should you optimize your website images for Google search results? Here are 6 tips that should help:
1. Use a unique, appealing image which can pull in natural links from other websites. Copying an image from another website and optimizing it isn't a good idea especially if you didn't get permission to use the image.
2. When naming your images, put relevant keywords in the file name.
3. Use ALT tags with relevant keywords. It's usually good to describe the image with some text around the keyword.
4. Surround the image with keywords relevant to the image.
5. Always optimize the page containing the image. Also make sure that the targeted keyword appears in the page title tag.
6. Try to develop quality back-links, with keyword anchor text, both to the image and to the page itself.
We encourage you to try these SEO hints, we are certain they will help!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Google to fight search engine spam
Please feel free to post on our "Link Exchange" blog. Before we post your comment, we do however require that you add into your comment the link URL of your blog or website where you have posted our link:
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A few days ago, Google announced that they are going to fight search engine spam stronger than before:
1. Google might downrank content farms
If you have a regular website with regular content then there's nothing that you have to worry about. As long as your website has good content and good backlinks, Google will give it high rankings in the search results.
You should not try to game Google's algorithm with scraped content and you should not take any optimization shortcuts. Optimizing your website for users and search engines takes some time. If you want to get lasting results, you should use ethical search engine optimization methods.
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A few days ago, Google announced that they are going to fight search engine spam stronger than before:
"We're evaluating multiple changes that should help drive spam levels even lower, including one change that primarily affects sites that copy others' content and sites with low levels of original content.What exactly is Google going to do? Could Google consider your website spam?
We'll continue to explore ways to reduce spam, including new ways for users to give more explicit feedback about spammy and low-quality sites."
1. Google might downrank content farms
Websites with low quality content that has been created to get clicks for AdSense ads might have a hard time in the coming months:2. Google might enable you to tag other websites as spam
"As pure webspam has decreased over time, attention has shifted instead to content farms, which are sites with shallow or low-quality content. [...]
We hear the feedback from the web loud and clear: people are asking for even stronger action on content farms and sites that consist primarily of spammy or low-quality content."
If your websites mainly exist to display Google AdSense then your site might lose its rankings on Google. Google makes it clear that running AdSense ads won't help the sites to remain in the index:
"One misconception that we've seen in the last few weeks is the idea that Google doesn't take as strong action on spammy content in our index if those sites are serving Google ads. To be crystal clear:
- Google absolutely takes action on sites that violate our quality guidelines regardless of whether they have ads powered by Google;
- Displaying Google ads does not help a site's rankings in Google; and
- Buying Google ads does not increase a site's rankings in Google's search results."
In an online discussion a user asks about the possibility for personal domain blacklists for Google accounts? Users might be given the option to remove sites from their own search results.3. It will be more difficult to get high rankings with clone sites
Google's Matt Cutts indicates that this might be an option for the near future:
"We've definitely discussed this. Our policy in search quality is not to pre-announce things before they launch. If we offer an experiment along those lines, I'll be among the first to show up here and let people know about it."
Many spammers clone the content of websites to get high rankings for the long tail keywords that are listed on these pages. For example, some people scraped the contents of Google Groups and actually got higher rankings than the original Google Groups pages in Google's search results.What can you do to make sure that your website won't be downranked?
Matt Cuts also comments on that issue:
"I've been tracking how often this happens over the last month. It's gotten much, much better, and one additional algorithmic change coming soon should help even more. I'm not saying that a clone will never be listed above SO, but it definitely happens less often compared to a several weeks ago."
If you have a regular website with regular content then there's nothing that you have to worry about. As long as your website has good content and good backlinks, Google will give it high rankings in the search results.
You should not try to game Google's algorithm with scraped content and you should not take any optimization shortcuts. Optimizing your website for users and search engines takes some time. If you want to get lasting results, you should use ethical search engine optimization methods.
More Affordable SEO tips soon
Other website resources below
Precast Concrete Walls & Precast Concrete Fences
Fresno Travel Agent
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Reciprocal links: don't be fooled by false information
Reciprocal links were the first social element on the World Wide Web. They existed a long time before the term "social media" even existed. The concept of a reciprocal link is simple:
Is there really a problem with reciprocal links?
More soon on this topic.
Local SEO Marketing & PPC Management
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Fresno Travel Agent & Honeymoon Packages
- I link to your site ("Like").
- You link to my site ("Like back").
Is there really a problem with reciprocal links?
There are many statements about the decreasing efficacy of reciprocal links but none of these statements is backed by facts. Reciprocal links are alive and they work well.
Just analyze the backlink profile of your high ranking competitors You can use an inbound link optimizer to get the best results. A fair amount of the links are reciprocal. Where do these links come from?
Reciprocal links work best for websites with "unsexy" content. For some sites, it is very difficult to get links without something in return. These sites benefit most from reciprocal links.
- link exchange/resources pages
- blogroll links
- mutual contextual linking (for example between bloggers)
- directory links from directories that require a backlink
More soon on this topic.
Local SEO Marketing & PPC Management
Other good websites resources:
Precast Concrete Walls & Precast Concrete Fences
Fresno Travel Agent & Honeymoon Packages
Saturday, January 22, 2011
SEO - Search Engine Ranking, How to Change the Titles of Your Web Pages to Get More Website Visitors
Good page titles can make a very big difference in the number of website visitors that your website gets. For that reason, it would be a good check the titles your web pages
* Make sure that the titles of your web pages are descriptive. It should be obvious what to expect on the pages.
* If you can, add a call to action and benefits in your page title.
* Put the most important information at the start of the title. It's possible that search engines might shorten the title in the search result pages and the complete text won't be seen
* If you're not a large brand, don't use your company name in your page titles.
* Definitely--Do not- use the same title for all of your web pages. Many beginners make this mistake.
People judge books by their covers and search engine results by their web page titles. If you would like to get as many website visitors as possible, you need to develop Google friendly titles for all of the pages on your website.
Getting listed on Google's first page is what we all desire. However when you find out that you receive a bunch of visitors by means of your high search engine rankings but only a few customers, that can be frustrating.How do you resolve that?
Well,search engine optimization is pointless if you don't convert your website visitors into paying customers.You'll actually losing money if you don't optimize the conversion rate of your website.
What can you do to improve the conversion rate of your website?
Drive traffic to the most relevant pages on your website
Your website visitors should come to the most relevant pages on your website. If you advertise on Google AdWords for the search term "buy orange safety gloves" then your landing page should be a page about orange safety gloves and your customer should be able to buy these gloves right on that page. This also applies for traffic that you receive through your normal search engine rankings.
* Make sure that the titles of your web pages are descriptive. It should be obvious what to expect on the pages.
* If you can, add a call to action and benefits in your page title.
* Put the most important information at the start of the title. It's possible that search engines might shorten the title in the search result pages and the complete text won't be seen
* If you're not a large brand, don't use your company name in your page titles.
* Definitely--Do not- use the same title for all of your web pages. Many beginners make this mistake.
People judge books by their covers and search engine results by their web page titles. If you would like to get as many website visitors as possible, you need to develop Google friendly titles for all of the pages on your website.
Getting listed on Google's first page is what we all desire. However when you find out that you receive a bunch of visitors by means of your high search engine rankings but only a few customers, that can be frustrating.How do you resolve that?
Well,search engine optimization is pointless if you don't convert your website visitors into paying customers.You'll actually losing money if you don't optimize the conversion rate of your website.
What can you do to improve the conversion rate of your website?
Drive traffic to the most relevant pages on your website
Your website visitors should come to the most relevant pages on your website. If you advertise on Google AdWords for the search term "buy orange safety gloves" then your landing page should be a page about orange safety gloves and your customer should be able to buy these gloves right on that page. This also applies for traffic that you receive through your normal search engine rankings.
My Site Launcher-Small Business Website Design & Marketing
My Site Launcher is a search engine placement company that offers powerful tools in managing your websites and increasing your website traffic. Traffic Launcher packages use advanced website promotion techniques, including search engine submissions, affordable ecommerce hosting, and PPC advertising on Google, Yahoo and MSN. Expert SEM consultants will take care of all your marketing optimization, driving highly-qualified leads and ready-to-buy customers to your site automatically, letting you focus on running your business. Not only can you make your own website rival that of a professional website designer, you can easily bring qualified prospective customers to it.
For more information please visit us at
My Site Launcher is a search engine placement company that offers powerful tools in managing your websites and increasing your website traffic. Traffic Launcher packages use advanced website promotion techniques, including search engine submissions, affordable ecommerce hosting, and PPC advertising on Google, Yahoo and MSN. Expert SEM consultants will take care of all your marketing optimization, driving highly-qualified leads and ready-to-buy customers to your site automatically, letting you focus on running your business. Not only can you make your own website rival that of a professional website designer, you can easily bring qualified prospective customers to it.
For more information please visit us at
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