Your Marine Water Heater Company Weekly Tip
Raritan Engineering Company your marine water heater specialists would like to share with you these marine topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding why Quantum Sails could help you win big.
Your marine water heater experts know that five out of the top six boats in this year’s J/105 North Americans, held in San Francisco simultaneously with the 51st annual Rolex Big Boat Series at the St. Francis Yacht Club, had complete or partial Quantum inventories.
While there was a lot of great racing in a number of classes and divisions, the J/105 North Americans caught our attention. The water courses included reaching legs, gates, and the tactical decisions about whether or not to seek current relief in the cone of Alcatraz.
Your boat water heater experts know that Quantum Sails checked in with five of the top six J/105 skippers on the format, the competition, and what it took to win.
You can find more information as well as get assistance on boat water heater and on why Quantum Sails can help you win at Raritan Engineering.
Phillip Laby, Godot, 6th Place — On Getting Good Starts
Our goal was the top three, we ended up sixth, partially because there is more talent out there, and partially because we didn’t execute our starts, we didn’t get good starts on the first day.
Your Marine Water Heater Company Has the Following Suggestions
The key to doing well in this marine regatta was getting good starts that set you up for going in the right direction on the first leg, and knowing where you were going.
Ryan Simmons, Blackhawk, 5th Place — On Preparation
The goal going in was to win on the water.
We’ve been sailing together for two years, working on different maneuvers and different settings for the boat, but once you’re out on the water sailboat racing is sailboat racing. To win that race was pretty exciting.
Jason Woodley, Risk, 3rd Place — On Consistency
A top-five finish was what we were trying to accomplish. We felt with the level of competition—there were 10 boats that could have won.
We knew it was going to be a light year and we’re actually a heavy-wind boat; so we really tried to keep the sails powered up, that was our real focus with our Quantum sails.
Jeff Littfin, Mojo, 2nd Place — On Climbing Back
We felt like we had the boat speed as long as we minimized mistakes.
It was disappointing that missed two races. Once the wind came in it was a pretty awesome Big Boat Series. It wasn’t too windy; it was probably one of the best weather-wise.
Shawn Bennett, Jose Cuervo, 2015 J/105 North American Champion — On the Challenge
What’s nice about Big Boat Series, is that there’s a different marine course every time for a new challenge, but for a North Americans, that’s a little different because you’re used to having your own racecourse. You’re not only managing your own fleet, in terms of covering them if you’re ahead, you’re also trying to manage the lay line and traffic management.On board water heater considerations should also be taken into account.
So don’t forget these helpful experiences that show why Quantum Sails could help you win….1) Phillip Laby, Godot, 6th Place — On Getting Good Starts; 2) Ryan Simmons, Blackhawk, 5th Place — On Preparation; and 3) Jason Woodley, Risk, 3rd Place — On Consistency.
Raritan Engineering has more information on marine water heater, boat water heater, marine hardware and on why Quantum Sails could help you to win.
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