Your Sewage Treatment Plants Company Tip of the Week
Raritan Engineering Company your sewage treatment plants specialists would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding how to add an extra $50,000 to your bottom line.
Your sewage treatment plants experts ask the question, how do you stop the bleeding and put that money in your pocket and boost your bottom line … with some smart and strategic work this offseason on your plant?
Here are somer reasons for lost sales:
- Not enough quality prospects to sell
- Poor lead capturing focus
- Poor closing skills (or lack of asking for the sale)
- A sales prevention department
- Poor reputation in the market
- Poor value proposition to the market place (aka, you don’t deserve to sell more boats)
Problem – Not Enough Quality Prospects to Sell
Solution – Your boat cleaning products and sewage treatment plants experts suggest to go out and get quality prospects with proven and profitable means. And, traditional media just isn’t working the way it used to, so let me give you a few suggestions that do work in today’s environment.
- Online Video Marketing – For virtually zero cost to you (if you have a smart phone and data plan) you can start driving new leads within 48 hours.
- Educational Marketing – Again, a virtually free strategy that’s virtually non-existent in the boating and sewage treatment industry but works amazingly well. Create a simple report for the types of boat buyers you want to attract; “Insider Secrets to Buying a $75,000 to $100,000 Triple Engine Tri-Toon” The more targeted and specific the better your response will be. Then, list this report in all of your online boat listing descriptions (your site, boat trade, craigslist), on your website, in your ads, at your boat show, in your showroom, in your newsletter and anywhere else your prospects eye balls may be.
Problem – Poor Lead Capturing Focus
Solution – Put a focus on capturing leads at every opportunity. Often what first looks like a lead flow problem is just a lack of capturing potential prospects throughout the business.
You can find more information as well as get assistance on boat cleaning products and on how to add an extra $50,000 to your bottom line at Raritan Engineering.
Your Sewage Treatment Plants Company Recommends the Following
But, there are others as well. Phone calls for parts, service, accessories, boat rentals, registration and sewage treatment questions. Then, those prospects go into your CRM or data base.
Problem – Poor Sales Skills & Poor Closing Skills
Solution – Demand your sales team participate in a sales training program and utilize what they learn. Someone who has a system you can follow and then follow it.
Problem – Poor Follow-Up Systems/Skills
Solution – During my mystery shopping experience all over the world, this is probably the biggest weakness in the entire industry.
Let’s talk extended follow-up first. To me, extended follow-up should continue until the prospect asks you to stop.
If you provide meaningful follow-up that strives to build a relationship, educate, entertain and does some selling, those prospects who are truly interested buyers will actually appreciate your efforts.
Now, look at the quality of those follow-ups. Did they help build the relationship? Did they educate? This offseason, focus on building a systematic follow-up program that is meaningful and you’ll surely convert prospects you’re currently missing.
So don’t forget to avoid these things if you want to add an extra $50,000 to your bottom line. Avoid, 1) Not Enough Quality Prospects to Sell; 2) Poor Lead Capturing Focus; 3) Poor sales and closing skills; and 4) Poor follow-up skills.
Raritan Engineering has more information on sewage treatment plants, boat cleaning products, marine sanitation device, and on how to add an extra $50,000 to your bottom line.
via How to add an extra $50,000 to your bottom line this offseason (Part 2)
The post Sewage Treatment Plants Experts Show How to Add An Extra $50K to Your Bottom Line appeared first on Raritan Engineering.

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