Your Denver Web Development Company Tip of the Week
Denver Integrated Marketing Solutions your Denver web development specialists would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding 6 security errors that bloggers need to stop making.
Security development should be a top web priority for you as a blogger.
Your Denver web development experts know that a single hack can set a blog back months if not ruin it entirely.
These are the reasons you should keep security as a primary concern:
You might understand if a hacker gained access to your blog through a series of clever and intricate actions, but unfortunately, in most circumstances, a compromised website is the result of an easily avoidable mistake and poor development.
These are 6 of the biggest web errors that need to stop:
1. Neglecting to use a virtual private network
Bloggers often update their blogs while they are in cafes, travelling or otherwise using public networks, sometimes even in the Denver area.
Your website design Denver experts know that cybercriminals often set up shop on a public network and use a “sniffer” program to intercept any data being sent over the network. This means, without protection, even web hackers in Denver can gain access to your passwords, usernames, personal information and reader information.
Your Denver Web Development Company Agrees With These Safety Tips
The best protection is a Virtual Private Network (VPN), which connects your device to an offsite secure server using an encrypted connection.
There are quite a few VPNs on the Denver market for bloggers to choose from.
You can find more information as well as get assistance on website design Denver and on 6 security errors that bloggers must stop making at Denver Integrated Marketing Solutions.
2. Using a vulnerable device to administrate your blog
It is important to remember the basics necessary to for secure development, such as the following:
- Use a strong password on any account or device you use. One account breach can easily lead to many others, including your blog.
- Any other verification measures should be to the highest standard you can provide. Make sure no one can guess your security questions.
3. Not updating plugins
Just because you downloaded a plugin doesn’t mean that you can ignore it from there on out. Plugins are no different from any other programs, and they require constant monitoring and updating in case any new exploits arise. Hackers will take advantage of anything that comes up and use it to take over your blog.
Any plugins that aren’t updated frequently are worth abandoning. Chances are you can find a suitable replacement that keeps the safety of your blog in mind. It is recommended that you do a check of any relevant plugins every couple of months. Just compare the version you are using with the current version.
4. Having “Admin” as a username
This one is short and simple. Many blog administrators still have “admin” as their username (the default). This makes the lives of cybercriminals so much easier, as they don’t have to guess your username.
5. Neglecting to moderate your comments section
The community that forms around your blog is a greater indicator of security than you think. Not only will a well-moderated comments section improve retention rates among readers and give you ideas on how to improve your blog, it will let you know if there is a problem.
You also need to be wary of attacks that come about via comments on your website. Cybercriminals can post links in comments that lead to problematic websites, malware, ransomware and other things your readers might blame you for if they are attacked.
6. Not having a backup of your data
No matter what preparation you have, there is the inevitable fact that you are going to encounter problems when administering your blog.
Every blogger should have a backup of their data. There are several ways you can store your data in a safe manner:
- You can use the cloud so that your blog will not be in danger of any damage to your computer systems or external storage devices. The problem with this option is that the cloud is notoriously unreliable when it comes to security. Your data is out of your hands, and you have to decide whether that is a good or bad thing.
- You can get a flash drive or external hard drive to store all of your blog’s information on. What exactly you will need depends on the size of your blog, but just make sure that it is a sturdy piece of equipment. Hackers won’t be able to get to it if it is locked away in a safe!
Sum up
When it comes to protecting your website, time is of the essence. Cybercriminals aren’t going to wait, and many of the mistakes mentioned above can be rectified quickly. An investment of time and resources in blog security now will pay dividends in the long run.
So don’t forget these 6 security errors that need to stop in order to help you succeed….1) neglecting to use a virtual private network; 2) using a vulnerable device to administrate your blog; 3) not updating plugins; 4) having “Admin” as a username; 5) neglecting to moderate your comments section; and 6) not having a backup of your data.
Denver Integrated Marketing Solutions has more information on Denver web development, website design Denver, and 6 security errors that bloggers must stop making.

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